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"Fritzi with an Oyster."
Oil on monoprint collage, 2023
This portrait was made in honor of Fritzi Cohen (1938-2022), the matriarch of the beloved and legendary Tabard Inn in Washington DC. I have known the Cohen Family my entire life, and the Tabard Inn has the biggest public collection of my artwork, with my paintings hanging in every room. Situated on N Street near Dupont Circle, this beautiful landmark building was saved by Fritzi and her late husband Edward from demolition in 1975.
Here are all the shows and street fairs that I'll be participating in Spring 2023.
*SATURDAY, MAY 6, 7-10pm, CONGREGATION BETH ELOHIM at 274 GARFIELD PLACE, PARK SLOPE, BROOKLYN is having its festive OPENING PARTY for its annual group art exhibition. Everyone is welcome.
*SUNDAY, MAY 7, 10-6pm, THE HOBOKEN ART AND MUSIC FAIR IS BACK! There are over 300 artists and craftspeople, food, and two stages of live music. It takes place on Washington Street, the main thoroughfare in Hoboken, New Jersey. I don't know my exact location, so if you can't find me, please call or text me at (917) 855-6564.
7th STREET, SE. CAPITOL HILL, WASHINGTON, DC. After three decades, I still can't get enough of this place. Note that I'll be here for two different weekends in May and June. I don't know my exact location yet, so if you can't find me, please call or text me at (917) 855-6564.
*SUNDAY, MAY 21, 10-6pm, THE FABULOUS 5th AVE FAIR in PARK SLOPE IS ALSO BACK! This is the best street fair in Brooklyn, in my humble opinion. The 18-block extravaganza goes from Sterling Place to 12th Street. And as usual, I'm able to curate the entire block in front of my studio/storefront between 1st and 2nd Streets, so all the vendors on the block will be local artists.
*SUNDAY, MAY 28 and JUNE 4, 10-5pm, I'll be selling my artwork at the GRAND BAZAAR NYC, 100 West 77th Street right at COLUMBUS AVENUE. Note that I'm selling two weeks in a row. This is the largest indoor/outdoor antique/vintage/art/craft market on the UPPER WEST SIDE in Manhattan.
This is an event I started in 2021 when every outdoor festival was canceled. And wow, what an enormous success it was. Now it's already become a Park Slope tradition.
This event takes place on the two blocks outside my studio/storefront on 5th Ave between 1st and 3rd Streets. It features local artists, craftspeople, food and to-go drinks, and live music all day long curated by my friend Dave Miller. Note that this event will end at 8pm. Come early, stay late.
*SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 11-6pm, I'll be selling at SEVENTH HEAVEN, which has become a Father's Day tradition. I am part of an artist block which is usually between Carroll and President Streets on 7th AVENUE in PARK SLOPE, BROOKLYN.
I do many other art shows and events throughout the spring and summer; usually it's a spontaneous decision. You can always see "where I am right now" by coming here to the home page of my website,
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